
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I wonder what Michael Medved's up to? 

(Not really. But just for argument's sake, let's pretend that he is one of the great thinkers of the Right.)

Well. It appears he has found something really weighty to get his panties in a twist about.

What if the Democrats try to force an atheist president down America's throat some day?

(Maybe he's on to something. The good Christians we've had in power for seven years have done a good job ... of discrediting good Christians. Maybe the country would like a change, something that doesn't involve blind and willful misrepresentation of a silly book that was never that helpful or perceptive to begin with? I'd say the country's religious contingent may have something concrete to be scared of. If Medved's any indication, they certainly sound desperate. It's unfortunate that their religious beliefs force them to remain clueless or risk eternal hellfire. Not much of a choice for the feeble minded.)


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Remembering Diane Arbus 

She died so young. I love her work, but thinking about her always makes me sad.

Here's a story from David J. Skal's "The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror" about Diane Arbus that may not be that well known to a lot of her fans:

In the shadow of monster mania lurked another dark figure, whose own fascination with distorted, freakish images had not yet achieved the notoriety for which it was ultimately destined. The publisher [of Famous Monsters of Filmland] James Warren, however, was familiar with her photographic work and so hired her to document a group of his magazine's readers. The resulting photo, never published but described in a Rolling Stone feature in 1974, was titled Bronx, New York, 1964: Meeting the Famous Monsters. The photographer grouped the five young boys in front of a dilapidated house. Their faces were concealed by horrible masks. When one of the boys' hands nervously or inadvertently touched his crotch, the photographer released her shutter.

Diane Arbus, den mother of the damned, had found her image.

We miss you, Diane.


I got quoted on Wikipedia! 


It's the entry on Vince Colletta.

He was a comic book artist. He is probably most famous (some would say infamous) for his work as an inker over Jack Kirby's pencils, mostly at Marvel in the 1960s and 1970s.

(For my non-comic book readers, I should perhaps explain that Jack Kirby co-created/pencilled Captain America, The Fantastic Four and the Incredible Hulk.)

I was informed of this in a comment by Dan the Fan, whose own blog is here.

Thanks, Dan!

Scroll down to the controversy section of the Vince Colletta entry. I'm quoted at the end.

Briefly, the controversy swirls around whether or not Colletta did a good job inking Jack Kirby. (And some people are very passionately trying to say that Colletta just downright sucked balls all around.)

I've seen some very bad Colletta inking. But I've also seen some grand work from Colletta, especially on the "Tales of Asgard" series in the back of Journey into Mystery and in his 1950s romance work. (Dan the Fan has some of the latter on his blog.)

I can't tell you how pleased I am that my quotes in the Wikipedia entry are very positive comments on Vince Colletta inking Jack Kirby in Journey into Mystery #108. Colletta has been dead since 1991 and I would hate to be quoted on a dead man's Wikipedia entry saying something like:

"Colletta's art on The Dazzler was so bad I wanted to eat my own eyeballs."

In any case, I'm very pleased. This is even better than when I was quoted by those lovable white supremists at Stormfront.org!


Wanna see the CUTEST KITTEN EVER? 

I'm not exaggerating.

Just wait until you see this!

Click here for the CUTEST KITTEN EVER!

(Be sure to play it with the sound on! It's about A HUNDRED TIMES CUTER with the purring!)

(By the way, this is my cat's favorite video. Which means it's the only one she's ever watched. She watched it for almost TWENTY SECONDS!)


Monday, April 07, 2008

More proof that Lancaster, Calif., is evil 

Netflix has many helpful features. Among these are the movie recommendations. Based on the way you rate the movies that you rent from them, they offer a bunch of recommendations of similar movies that you might like.

So if you like Ugetsu Monogatori, they might recommend Rashomon or Yojimbo or The Burmese Harp.

And if you liked Jules and Jim, they might recommend Never on Sunday.

They also have a section that has geographic recommendations. It tells you what the most popular films in your area code are.

Oh. My. God.

Three of the Top Five rentals in Lancaster right now are:

Mr. Woodcock;

Good Luck Chuck; and

Daddy Day Camp.

Lord. Whatever I did to deserve to be exiled among these people, please let me know and I will never do it again.

Pinky swear.


Sunday, April 06, 2008

By the way ... 

Mushtown Media Corp. celebrates its fourth anniversary today!



What does Adam Smith say ...? 

... about a living wage?

But what improves the circumstances of the greater part can never be regarded as an inconveniencey to the whole. No society can be flourishing and happy, of which the greater part of the members are poor and miserable. It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, cloath and lodge the whole body of the people should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well fed, cloathed and lodged.

- Adam Smith, "The Wealth of Nations," Book I, Chapter VIII

Adam Smith, communist


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